
Directors Lab is a new kind of production and management company. We create commercials, brand films, music videos, narrative films, documentaries, installations, and experiential films. We understand the visual capacity of each project, and we take a holistic approach to working with our global network of creative partners to ensure goals are met without compromising creative vision.

Our artistic endeavors range from video art exhibited in galleries to installation art projected outdoors and within civic spaces. We support artists in all aspects of their work. We understand creating is at the heart of the artist’s work, and they must have a partner who works with them in helping to facilitate the whole scope of their vision.

Please inquire to discuss any directors that you see here.

Student filmmakers and video artists, please contact us for work experience opportunities!
[email protected]
DIRECTORS LAB ® is a registered trademark of Art Factory Media LLC.
All materials, including but not limited to text, images, and multimedia content, appearing on the Directors Lab website are copyrighted and protected under international copyright laws. The content may not be reproduced, distributed, stored, or manipulated in any form, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission from Directors Lab and the respective copyright holder(s). Copyright © 2020 Directors Lab. All rights reserved.